List your Home For Free!

Avoid commissions! No more high fees! No hidden catch! 100% free! Take control of the process and keep the money from the sale without having to sacrifice part of it to an agent. Buyers are waiting to find privately listed homes. Including yours. List yours for Free today!

You Have All The The Tools You Need

You might just need a little help finding the information you need. Its easier than you think, and we are here to help you find it.

Step 1 - Legal Preparations
Preparation and Legal Considerations: Familiarise yourself with local property laws: Different states have have different laws regarding property sales. You can find these in our FAQ's. Consult a Conveyancer: This can help you avoid any legal issues and ensure all documentation is accurate and legal.
Step 2 - Research & Appraisal Price
Obtain a real estate appraisal: This will determine your home's market value. It takes into account your home's features, location, and comparison to similar local sales. You don't need to list your home with the agent, just get their opinion on the price. You can also do some research yourself on finding similar homes.
Step 3 - Deciding on your listing price
Decide on your listing price. Set your list price, based on the appraisal. Do not sign a contract with the estate agent, but you can use their appraisal to determine your price. You can minus the commission and on costs from the appraisal price. This will give you more negotiation space available. For private sales you need to consider costs that come with selling a house (like conveyencer costs. & self marketing) Once you've thought about all of this - you now have your listing price!
Step 4 - Marketing your property
High-quality photos: Take or hire someone to take high-quality pictures of your property. This includes detailed images of the interior and exterior. These will be used on your property listing. List your property on this site for free, and include all of the key details of your property, you know your home best. You can if you like create marketing materials and brochures for providing at open houses. These aren't a necessity though. You don't even need a For Sale sign these days, but if you want one, there are various websites you can use you can find this info in our FAQ's
Step 5 - Potential Buyer Contact
Respond to buyers messages coming through the platform as quickly as you can. Host open hours and private walk throughs. Make sure you property is clean and tidy and feels appealing to others. Often the old bread or cooking baking in the morning gives the home a lovely welcoming feel. Be prepared to answer questions and highlight key selling points. Review offers: Evaluate all offers and terms. This process may involve counter-offers and negotiations. Due diligence: Ensure the buyer has been pre-approved for a mortgage. Agree on terms: This includes price, contingencies (like home inspections), and the closing date.
Step 6 - The Sale
Close the deal: Work with a conveyancer to handle the closing process. This includes finalising paperwork, transacting the purchase amount, and handing over property ownership. Move out: Make sure you have fully vacated the property by the agreed time and left it clean and in the agreed-upon condition. Don't forget to find your new home through this website too!

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